
Is it possible to believe the unbelievable…

19 Sep

Busy, busy, busy…that is the catch phrase right now.  At work, at home, kids at school, is it just me, or is life even more frantic these days?

When you are in that whirl wind kind of state, the ‘to do’ list, the memory and energy is stretched to capacity.

Some function at their best when the wind is blowing up their back….others on the hand, do not.

It is times like these, when it is critical for you to believe the unbelievable….the belief that individuals in nursing, and allied health can have choice…be completely satisfied with a job well done, know the feeling of appreciation and believe they are worth it and more.

How do I know this…because I too have been a non-believer…the thing is, if you take a moment, reflect on where you place yourself in the priority list, you may be in for a little surprise.

As a nurse, you care for everyone you touch, not only in the workplace, but also in your downtime…are you really ever off duty…probably not.

You may know the value of wellness and self-care, you have good intentions to go for a nice walk or read the latest best seller, it is the actual valuing yourself and giving yourself some ‘me’ time that does not happen as often as it should.

Nurses get tired, shift work does that to you.  Perhaps it is the lack of motivation, due to many things that stops the small self-care moments to take place.

This week is the week to take a breath, and be aware it is a choice to not do something for you.

We are running a free monthly online session series at Nurse Power on this very topic, pencil October 3 in your diary, we are holding a one hour session on the topic of self-care for nurses covering motivation and why it gets hard at times.

Click the link below to go to our website to register for this free session.


Wishing you a week filled with possibility, if things take longer than you want, or you think it is not happening, become a believer, it will happen…eventually.

Little by little, we will make a difference.

Until then,

Bron 🙂

One Response to “Is it possible to believe the unbelievable…”

  1. wartica September 19, 2012 at 2:37 pm #

    I agree ; keep striving and pushing, and you will get to where you want:)

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